Zólyomi Anna

Name Zólyomi Anna
Rank lecturer
Email zolyomi.anna@btk.elte.hu
Office 404
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Anna Zólyomi, PhD, is an assistant professor at ELTE Eötvös Loránd University, and she is the Director of Studies of the Language Pedagogy and English Applied Linguistics PhD Programme. She obtained her PhD in language pedagogy in 2023, and she has been teaching at Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary, since 2019. In the past years, she has offered courses in dissertation writing at PhD level, academic skills, advanced writing, language practice, introduction to research in language pedagogy, introduction to classroom observations, and skills development. She is a section editor at GiLE Journal of Skills Development, editorial board member at the Journal for the Psychology of Language Learning and scientific board member at Ihlara Journal Educational Research. She has participated in various research projects, and she has presented in national and international conferences and published in the leading journals of Language Teaching Research and Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching. She received the Faculty Award for Publication Excellence in 2022 for her Q1 publications. She is an enthusiastic researcher involved in national and international collaborations. She has participated in state-funded research projects, including the New National Excellence Programme (ÚNKP), a research grant that she has won in four consecutive years, the Hungarian Scientific Research Fund (OTKA), and she is also a member of the MTA-ELTE Foreign Language Teaching Research Group. Her primary research interests within applied linguistics and language pedagogy include differentiated instruction, learners' and teachers' beliefs, language aptitude, and explicit–implicit learning processes.

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