About us

About us

About us

Our history

The PhD Programme in Language Pedagogy and English Applied Linguistics at Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) has a strong research profile, and is aimed at training researchers who will be able to carry out independent, data-based empirical studies as well as theoretical research, and to publish the results in Hungarian and international journals. 

The PhD Programme in Language Pedagogy and  English Applied Linguistics(Nyelvpedagógia és Angol Alkalmazott Nyelvészet Doktori Program) at Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) was accredited in 1996 and is administered jointly by the Department of English Language Pedagogy (DELP) (earlier called the Centre for English Teacher Training) and the Department of English Applied Linguistics (DEAL) within the School of English and American Studies. It first operated under the auspices of the Faculty of Humanities in 1996. Then, in 2007, it was transferred to the Doctoral School of Education (Neveléstudományi Doktori Iskola) and in 2020 it returned to the Faculty of Humanities as a programme of the Doctoral School of Linguistics. (https://btk.elte.hu/doktisk/nyelv in Hungarian, and https://btk.elte.hu/en/content/doctoral-school-of-linguistics.t.3199?m=193 in English). Originally developed with the financial and academic support of the British Council, the programme is intended to cover a range of research areas within language pedagogy and applied linguistics but its purpose is not to provide language teachers with further education in methodology, although the obtained knowledge will naturally have practical implications. In the first two years of the programme, classes are offered on one day of the week and in years 3 and 4 most of the work is done by the students on their own and through individual consultation with their supervisor, but as many participants work besides their studies, completing the programme may prove to be hard and requires good time management. Nevertheless, it is very rewarding, as our students tell us in their course and programme evaluations.

The Leadership of the Programme

Founder of the Programme and Honorary Head of Programme: Medgyes Péter, DSc, office: 408

function name email office
Head of the Programme Károly Krisztina, DSc karoly.krisztina@btk.elte.hu 407
Director of Research Wein Csizér Kata, DSc wein.kata@btk.elte.hu 305
Director of Studies Zólyomi Anna, PhD zolyomi.anna@btk.elte.hu 404

NB On this website the names of Hungarian contributors to the programme are used following the Hungarian order of surname followed by given name.

Anti-discrimination Statement

The School of English and American Studies of the Faculty of Humanities, Eötvös Loránd University, is fully committed both to promoting freedom of expression and to respecting the rights and dignity of all people regardless of their ethnic or socio-cultural background, gender, religion, sexual orientation, disability, and political or other beliefs. As we consider diversity and respectful communication essential, we expect the same commitment from all the students and staff of the School in their everyday and professional discourse and behaviour.

(accepted by the Institute Council on 4 October 2011)