Dissertation Defence
Dissertation Defence
In order to graduate, the candidate must successfully defend their dissertation in a formal oral examination (viva) presided over by the Dissertation Examination Committee. Having submitted the dissertation to the Doctoral Office, please make sure to consult the Programme Director about the process of the defence.
The public defence takes place on condition of the acceptance of the dissertation by two opponents. The opponents will prepare a written appraisal of the dissertation and will decide whether they judge the dissertation fit for public defence. The reviewers’ report should get to the candidate two months after the submission of the dissertation. Should one opponent decide the dissertation is unfit, a third opponent is asked to assess the dissertation. The dissertation is failed if two opponents find it unacceptable. Prior to the defence, the candidate receives the opponents’ written evaluations, and must answer them in writing and submit this written response to the Faculty Doctoral Office within 15 days. Unless the dissertation is failed, the defence takes place between 15-60 days after the submission of the candidate's response to the reviews. During the defence, the author must be prepared to summarise the main points of the dissertation in a twenty-minute presentation, listen to the opponents’ evaluation and deliver their response to them, as well as answer questions and comments concerning the dissertation put forward by the Dissertation Examination Committee and the audience. After the discussion, the committee determines the outcome of the defence by secret ballot using the five point scale. Altogether 60% is necessary for a pass mark. The breakdown of the results is as follows: 90%-100%: summa cum laude (pass with distinction), 75%-89%: cum laude (good pass), 60%-74%: rite (pass), 0-59%: insufficienter (fail). Following the defence the result is finalised by the Faculty and the University Doctoral Committees. The PhD degree certificate is handed over at a ceremony usually a few months after the defence.
The Dissertation Defence Committee
This committee is set up by the Faculty Doctoral Committee based on the recommendation of the Programme Director. It consists of:
- a chair, who is a full professor or emeritus professor of ELTE;
- two opponents (one internal and another external to the programme and the University);
- four further members who must have an academic degree.
At least two members must be external to the University, and at least two must be full-time ELTE employees. The candidate's supervisor may not be a member of the committee. Only one member of the department under whose supervision the dissertation was written can be a member of the committee.
Please consult your supervisor and the Programme Director to discuss the recommendation of the committee members before starting the doctoral procedures.