Holló Dorottya

Name Holló Dorottya
Rank associate professor
Email hollo.dorottya@btk.elte.hu
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Dorottya Holló is an EFL teacher and teacher trainer, and has been working in a number of areas in Language Pedagogy and Applied Linguistics, such as the development of oral and written communication skills, ELT methodology, teacher education, ELT materials design and evaluation, TEFL management and planning, Australian Studies, etc. She was Director of Studies of the PhD Programme in Language Pedagogy and English Applied Linguistics (initially called PhD Programme in Language Pedagogy) between 2000 and 2003, and has filled this position again since 2005. Her most important research and teaching interests lie in the area of the role of culture and interculturality in foreign language teaching as well as ways of integrating the teaching of language and culture along with diversity education in content-based courses. She is currently involved in doing research on teaching methods used in higher education. She was co-founder and co-editor (from 2010 to 2017) of the on-line journal WoPaLP - Working Papers in Language Pedagogy , which is published at the PhD programme’s website.

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